Multiplexed, nanoscale electrochemical sensor for analyte delivery and detection
Technology Overview:
The Bau Lab has developed carbon-based nanopipettes (CNPs) that allow for reliable single cell injection. These CNPs use an AC electrical impedance measurement to detect cell and nucleus penetration, which greatly improves upon standard pulled glass pipette injections. The small dimensions of the nanopipette enhance temporal resolution. Small volumes can be injected in a minimally invasive, controlled manner. Because carbon lining is conductive, CNPs can be used as accurate biosensors. This improved platform for single cell injection allows for automated, high-throughput methodology. This technology has been successfully demonstrated with fluorescent tRNA transfection of both the cytoplasm and nucleus of single cells.
Stage of Development:
In vitro testing
Intellectual Property:
Reference Media:
Desired Partnerships:
Docket # V5030 and T4321