Alteration of Albomycin for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections

Reference #: 01438

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for Alteration of Albomycin for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections


There are numerous antibiotics on the market: however, resistance to almost all of these have been reported in some fashion.

Invention Description:

The invention proposes to alter a naturally occurring antibiotic to broaden its spectrum of activity. Specifically, the naturally occurring antibiotic in question has two parts, one of which functions to deliver the antibiotic to the cytoplasm of bacteria and the second part possesses antibacterial activity. The new proposed compound would alter the part typically used for delivery making it antibacterial while retaining its functions for delivery. Therefore, this new compound would possess two compounds with different mechanisms of action against bacteria in one therapeutic compound. Thus, this compound would be effective as a combination therapy, and since both parts of the new compound would act upon bacteria using different mechanisms of action, the development of resistance against this new compound would be unlikely.

Potential Applications:

This product could ultimately be used to treat infections caused by bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics.

Advantages and Benefits:

As described above, this altered albomycin would serve as a combination therapy of two antimicrobials within one compound. As the mechanisms of action are very different, it would be statistically unlikely for a bacterium to develop resistance.

Patent Information: