UCLA researchers reported a novel polypeptide-based dermal filler material that reduces the risk of vascular occlusion when injected into the upper face for aesthetic facial rejuvenation.



Dermal fillers are implantable medical devices injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance. In 2018, there were >2,600,000 dermal filling procedures performed in the US, and the market was estimated to reach $10 billion by 2023. Despite the high demand, no dermal filler has been approved by FDA for injection in the superior portion of the face. High blood vessel density around the eye presents the risk for vascular occlusion leading to skin necrosis or blindness. Existing fillers are thrombogenic and structurally cross-linked, making them susceptible to vascular occlusion. There is a need for novel dermal filler material for the application in the upper face. 



UCLA researchers led by Prof. Timothy Deming and Michael Delong reported a novel dermal filler material, polyion-complex deblock copolypeptide hydrogels (PIC-DCH), which is safer than the currently used hyaluronic acid. Unlike hyaluronic acid, PIC-DCH relies on reversible physical rather than irreversible covalent cross-linking and is expected to rapidly disintegrate in high pulsatile pressure environments found in the arteries, thus enhancing patient safety and eliminating concerns for vascular occlusion when injected in the upper face. These hydrogels displays negligible immunogenicity, resists swelling and dissolution in aqueous media, and possess physical properties that can be readily tuned to replicate those of commercial fillers. In addition, these polypeptides can be easily mass produced like commercial plastics, allowing low cost manufacturing at large scale.



•       Novel dermal fillers for all facial zones including the upper face



•       Safer than the currently used hyaluronic acid

•       Scalable synthesis

•       Limited absorption of water and less swelling

•       Highly tunable physical properties, including biodegradation rate



This invention has been developed and tested in vivo in mouse.

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