Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+electronics+%3e+electronics+laser

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Photodegradation Protection of Polymeric Materials by Encapsulating with Inorganic Composites and Applications Thereof
­Advantages: Boosts the average lifespan of polymers preventing them from undergoing UV-induced photodegradation. Decreases the frequency of replacements and repair process, which translates into tremendous cost savings. Summary: Various fields employ polymeric and organic materials which are prone to photodegradation under UV radiation...
Published: 7/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elias Stefanakos, Sesha Srinivasan
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Advance Materials, Technology Classifications > Chemistry, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Electrical Engineering
Digital Fabrication of a Small Diameter Polymer Optical Waveguide
­Advantages: Leveraging digital fabrication ensures precise production of small diameter polymer optical waveguides. Method seamlessly integrates optical interconnects with electronic circuitry, improving overall efficiency of the system. This technology offers flexibility for diverse applications in computing, communication, and beyond. Summary: Existing...
Published: 5/31/2024   |   Inventor(s): Venkat Bhethanabotla, Thomas Weller, Roger Tipton, John Bentley, Eduardo Rojas
Keywords(s): Additive Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Optical, Laser, Fiberoptic, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Additive Manufacturing
Simultaneous Crossed And Parallel Polarized Light Viewing/Imaging Through A Split Polarizer
­Competitive Advantages Multiple polarization states in a single filter allow for simultaneous surface and sub-surface viewing/imaging of semi-transparent or layer-based materials. This technology eliminates the need to switch or rotate between the states of the polarizer or interact with the device, reducing the need for complex decision-making,...
Published: 9/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Katharine Hanlon-Nielsen
Keywords(s): Forensic Applications, Ophthalmology, Optical, Laser, Fiberoptic, Spectroscopy, Optics and Imaging, Sensors
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Spectroscopy, Technology Classifications > Medical > Cell & Tissue Engineering, Technology Classifications > Medical, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Medical > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Sensors, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Fiber Optics, Technology Classifications > Advance Materials, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Food Sciences
Measurement Apparatus of Vectorial Optical Fields
Competitive Advantages Carries information through turbid media without data degradation Increases information rate while lowering error rates Enables long range optical communication Summary USF inventors have developed a method for communicating optical data. This method utilizes vectorial optical fields as the information carrier. The information...
Published: 11/7/2022   |   Inventor(s): Zhimin Shi
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics
Measurement Apparatus of Wavefront and Polarization Profile of Vectorial Optical Fields
Competitive Advantages High data fidelity Versatile metrology tool Full characterization of vector beams Equally suited for classical and quantum regimes Summary Inventors at USF have developed a direct measurement method that is capable of characterizing the full transverse field profile of fully-polarized vector beams. The direct measurement...
Published: 7/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Zhimin Shi, Darrick Hay, Ziyi Zhu, Yiyu Zhou, Robert Boyd
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics
Dynamic Lidar Beam Shape and Focusing Capability for Enhanced Lidar Detection of Tenuous and Spatially Distributed Targets
Competitive Advantages Real-time dynamic beam shaping Improves autonomous driving Increases backscattered LiDAR signal Increases reliable detection range Summary Researchers at USF have developed a dynamic real-time multi LiDAR beam shaping and detection method by adopting dynamic focusing. This invention allows microcontrollers the ability...
Published: 6/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Dennis Killinger
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Computer Science > C/S Transportation, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Technology Classifications > Computer Science
Nanostructured and Micro-Structured Extremely High Surface Area (EHSA) Materials
Competitive Advantages Easy to manufacture High absorption properties Reduces noise in spectral measurements Summary USF inventors have developed an Extremely High Surface Area (EHSA) material composed of an array of needle like structures covered in nanoparticles. The surface of the materials has superior ability to absorb radiation. These...
Published: 5/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jay Bieber
Keywords(s): Energy Engineering, Sensors, Spectroscopy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Sensors
Scalable Microcavity-Enhanced Raman Scattering Platform for Multigas Chemical Analysis
Competitive Advantages Ultra-high sensitivity and specificity Low-cost, durable and compact structure GHz range spectral resolution without requiring spatial beam propagation, frequency stabilization, or spectroscopic equipment Summary USF inventors have developed an accurate integrated chemical sensing platform to meet this long-standing,...
Published: 8/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Andreas Muller
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Computer Science > C/S Sensors, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Technology Classifications > Computer Science
Information Beamforming for Visible Light Communication
Competitive Advantages No flickering of light Focused data transmission Omni-directional illumination of light Average intensity for symbols is constant Summary USF inventors have developed a technique in which beamforming is performed in the information domain without affecting the illumination. Varying the intensity of the...
Published: 8/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Huseyin Arslan, Zekeriyya Ankarali
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics, Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser
Full Color Holographic Camera Technology
Competitive Advantages Special illumination is not required Simple to wield and use Easy to go back and manipulate the picture Change angles of the picture post-shot No loss in resolution Summary Researchers at USF have developed and system and method for incoherent light holography that is specially designed so that there...
Published: 8/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Myung Kim
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics > Electronics Laser, Technology Classifications > Electronics
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