Search Results - stephen+jennings

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New Nanoink Formulation of Copper-based Nanowires with Dendrite-Like Decoration for Room-Temperature Sintering to Produce Conductive Traces on Flexible Polymeric Substrates
An air-stable and low-cost copper-based nanowire ink formulation for manufacturing wearable electronics and sensors on flexible polymer or paper substrates. Technology Overview: This new technology features an air-stable and low-cost copper-based nanowire ink formulation for manufacturing wearable electronics and sensors on flexible polymer or...
Published: 5/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chuan Jian Zhong, Shan Yan, Ning He
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, CleanTech, Technologies, XCEED
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Campus > Binghamton University
Compositions Useful for Treating Herpes Simplex Keratitis, and Methods Using Same
PAGE TITLEOverviewPAGE SUMMARY Drexel researchers have discovered a new mechanism to suppress or limit herpes keratitis (HK) infection and related blindness in HK patients. This mechanism operates unlike current treatments in the industry, suppresses viral replication more than polymerase inhibitors alone, and is less likely to lead to viral resistance.APPLICATIONSTITLE:...
Published: 5/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jane Clifford, Oleg Alekseev, Stephen Jennings
Category(s): Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics > Pharma: Infectious Disease