Search Results - service+provider+-+environmental

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Simultaneous Quantification of Anions using Ion Chromatography
Issues concerning environmental and human health are often dynamic and multifaceted; requiring more rapid and comprehensive methods for data acquisition to help with formulating a strategic or diagnostic approach. Ion chromatography is a common technique to quantify anions in aqueous matrices. However, quantifying multiple anions for a diverse range...
Published: 6/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Srivatsan Mohana Rangan, Devin Bowes, Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown
Keywords(s): Agriculture and Animal Science, Analytical Methods, Autism (ASD), Bioremediation, Chemical Analysis, Environmental, Service Provider - Environmental
Category(s): Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Diagnostic Assays/Devices, Life Science (All LS Techs)