Search Results - prosthetic

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Aortic Access from Vena Cava for Large Caliber Transcatheter Cardiovascular Interventions
The invention pertains to a device and method for transcatheter correction of cardiovascular abnormalities, such as the delivery of prosthetic valves to the heart. Featured is a device implant for closing a caval-aortic iatrogenic fistula created by the introduction of a transcatheter device from the inferior vena cava into the abdominal aorta. The...
Published: 10/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ozgur Kocaturk, Robert Lederman
Keywords(s): AB3AXX, AB3CXX, AB3EXX, AB3FXX, AB3XXX, ABXXXX, Aortic, AXXXXX, Cardiovascular, Caval, mitral valve, PROSTHETIC, prosthetic device coating, Transcatheter
Category(s): Collaboration Sought > Collaboration