Search Results - penny+amy

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New Microbial Treatment to Protect Honeybees from Infection by American Foulbrood Disease
Invention SummaryA simple syrup can help deliver freeze-dried bacteriophages to honeybee larvae, effectively inoculating them against a harmful bacterium that causes American Foulbrood disease. In this process, a phage-filled capsule is mixed with syrup and supplied to a hive to facilitate a safe, natural distribution of the helpful microbes via nurse...
Published: 8/16/2022   |   Inventor(s): Penny Amy, Diane Yost
Keywords(s): Life Science - Agriculture, Life Science - Health
Category(s): Life Sciences, All
Prevention and Treatment of American Foulbrood Disease (AFB) in Honeybees
Invention SummaryThe invention relates to materials and methods for treating and preventing American Foulbrood disease (AFB) in honeybees, and more particularly for using phage to lyse Paenibacillus larvae in honeybees. A bacteriophage is a virus that destroys bacteria by lysis. Several varieties exist, and each typically attacks only one species/strain...
Published: 8/16/2022   |   Inventor(s): Penny Amy, Lucy LeBlanc
Keywords(s): Life Science - Agriculture, Life Science - Health
Category(s): All, Energy & Environment, Life Sciences
Biofertilizer to Improve Growth of Turf Grass
Invention SummaryA composition forming a biofertilizer replaces conventional chemical fertilizers for vegetation, including turf grass, for growth and enhancement. The composition spares the environment of excess nitrogen, reduces nitrate and nitrite contamination, and may lower costs associated with typical use of chemical fertilizer. The composition...
Published: 8/16/2022   |   Inventor(s): Penny Amy
Category(s): Energy & Environment, Life Sciences, All
Biofertilizer to Improve Growth of Turf Grass
Invention SummaryA composition forming a biofertilizer replaces conventional chemical fertilizers for vegetation, including turf grass, for growth and enhancement. The composition spares the environment of excess nitrogen, reduces nitrate and nitrite contamination, and may lower costs associated with typical use of chemical fertilizer. The composition...
Published: 6/4/2015   |   Inventor(s): Penny Amy
Category(s): Energy & Environment, Life Sciences, All