Search Results - paul+seller

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Hard X-ray imaging detector
The Technology department at STFC have developed the HEXITEC detector measures the energy and position of every incident photon in the 4-200keV range. Each one of the 80x80 pixels provides a full energy spectrum with an average energy resolution of 800eV FWHM at 60keV. IMAGES Published: 6/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Matt Wilson, Paul Seller
Keywords(s): 01.a. Electronics, 01.h. Imaging & Detector Technology, 02.c. Process control and logistics, 05.f. Physics, 05.f1 Accelerators, 10.a. Safety & Security
Category(s): NDT, Security Applications, Sensors & detectors, Scientific Instrumentation, Pharmaceuticals & Biologics, Manufacturing & Process Engineering, Electronics & Semiconductors