Search Results - dongming+mei

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Method of Growing Germanium Crystals
This new method uses a quartz shield to isolate the germanium that would otherwise be contaminated by the stainless steel chamber, insulation materials, or the graphite crucible. Doctors Mei and Wang also determined that use of a load scale can control the crystal diameter and ensure that all melted germanium is used in crystal production and thus removed...
Published: 12/2/2019   |   Inventor(s): Dongming Mei, Guojian Wang
Keywords(s): Germanium Crystals, Infrared Systems, Materials Science, Optical Communication, Phononic Devices, Physics, Radiation Detection, Semiconductors, Sensors, Transistors
Category(s): Semiconductors, Physics, Materials Science, Radiation Detection, Infrared Systems, Transistors, Sensors, Optical Communications, Phononic Devices