Search Results - denzil+frost

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MET Based Accelerometer Using Ethylammonium Nitrate (EAN) Based Potassium Iodide Droplets as the Sensing Body
Molecular Electronic Transducer (MET) seismometer cells are inertial sensors which detect motion based on the movement of liquid electrolyte between electrodes. A MET sensing element consists of electrodes with spacers that are suspended across a narrow channel containing a liquid electrolyte. Holes through the electrodes allow electrolytes to flow...
Published: 2/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Lenore Dai, Hongyu Yu, Miranda Ngan, Mengbing Liang, Hai Huang, Denzil Frost, Stella Nickerson
Keywords(s): Materials and Electronics, Mechanical and Manufacturing
Category(s): Applied Technologies, Bioanalytical Assays, Chemistries & Devices, Chemical/Biological Sensors, Physical Science, Physics