Search Results - david+fries

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Bubble-Based Ion Source System for Mass Spectrometers
Competitive Advantages Handles complex samples Ions generated at low voltages No filters necessary Multiple applications Summary Inventors at USF have developed a bubble-based ion source and transport system that can generate and carry ions to a target. The bubbles are designed to burst at a liquid/gas interface in the presence...
Published: 9/12/2022   |   Inventor(s): Bo Yang, William Abbott, David Fries
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics
Total Fluid Conductivity Sensor System and Method
Researchers at USF have developed a technology that provides an apparatus and method for measuring the conductivity of a fluid employing the differential radio frequency phase detection between two embedded toroidal coils. The sensor provides high resistance to corrosion in the fluid with the use of the radio frequency. The present invention also provides...
Published: 8/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Fries, Saravana Natarajan, Thomas Weller
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics