Total Fluid Conductivity Sensor System and Method

Researchers at USF have developed a technology that provides an apparatus and method for measuring the conductivity of a fluid employing the differential radio frequency phase detection between two embedded toroidal coils. The sensor provides high resistance to corrosion in the fluid with the use of the radio frequency. The present invention also provides an embedded sensor that can be easily packaged, fitted to a buoy and deployed  underwater and is not prone to corrosion and fouling. An integrated thermistor mounted on the coil allows for temperature monitoring and can be used for compensation. The design of the conductivity sensor in accordance with the present invention allows for low power consumption.  

  • Provides high resistance to corrosion
  • Easy packing and fitting to a buoy for underwater  deployment
  • Low power consumption

Schematic Depicting the Sensing Circuitry 

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Total Fluid Conductivity Sensor System and Method Utility United States 11/425,231 7,479,864 6/20/2006 1/20/2009 6/20/2026