Search Results - broadband

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Parametric Matching Method for Broadband, High Sensitivity Reception With Electrically Small Antennas (Case No. 2022-280)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have devised a novel method for optimizing the performance of receivers with electrically small antennas, thereby enabling high sensitivity reception over a broad range of frequencies. Background: Electrically small antennas (ESAs) have broad commercial significance...
Published: 2/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yuanxun Wang
Keywords(s): Active Antenna, Antennas/Wireless, broadband, efficiency bandwidth products, electrically small antennas (ESAs), high sensitivity, impedance match, parametric amplification, parametric amplifiers, Radar / Antennae, radiation quality factor, radiation resistance, sensitivity performance
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Wireless > Antennas, Electrical > Signal Processing
A Broadband Apparatus for Generating and Sampling Polarization States
Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed thin-film polarization devices that generate and/or sample light-polarization states over a broad band (wide wavelength range) and over wide angles. The polarizers incorporate and exploit multiple polarization layer groups and can be integrated into a microarray and incorporated into a light source...
Published: 4/3/2023   |   Inventor(s): Stanley Pau, Wei-Liang Hsu
Keywords(s): broadband, polarimetry, polarization imaging, polarized light source, thin film metrology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics, Technology Classifications > Imaging & Optics > Microscopy, Spectroscopy, Polarimetry