Search Results - biomimetic

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Biomimetic aggrecan injection for lower back pain treatment
PAGE TITLE Overview PAGE SUMMARY Proteoglycans (PGs) are a major building block and a hydrating agent in the extracellular matrix, which maintains structural organization of cells within tissues. PGs retain water and regulate flow of minerals and other nutrients, lubricate and provide mechanical support to the tissues. The combination of PGs and...
Published: 7/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michele Marcolongo, Caroline Schauer, Sumona Sarkar, Edward Vresilovic, Benjamin Jackson
Keywords(s): Aggrecan, Biomaterial, Biomimetic, Degenerative disc disease, Injectable, Lower back pain, Minimally Invasive, Spine
Category(s): Life Sciences, Medical Devices & Diagnostics
Self-contained electrochromic platform for sensing and displaying color and pattern
Self-Contained Electrochromic Platform for Sensing and Displaying Color and Pattern This device is capable of recognizing and replicating color schemes with a simplistic bio-inspired system Institute Reference: INV-22024 IN-PART Reference: 220516-13853-56576 Background Color surrounds our daily existence and has been implemented for centuries in...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Daniel Wilson, Leila Deravi
Keywords(s): Adaptive, Biomimetic, Camouflage, color sensing, Color-Changing
Category(s): -Optics, -Sensors tech, -Sustainability / Renewable Tech, -Materials, -Equipment, -Energy Technology, -Devices, -Cosmetic, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science, Chemistry