Search Results - arthur+hebard

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Low-Power Edge Device for Wireless Communication Range Extension
An enhanced, ultra low power passive wake-up radio-based sensor includes a passive wake-up radio-based sensor node having an energy harvester and low power wake-up circuit to improve the wake-up range for passive wake-up radio sensor nodes without the need for local power. The wake-up sensor may additionally include a transmitter for providing a wake-up...
Published: 5/7/2024   |   Inventor(s): Wendi Heinzelman, He Ba, Li Chen
Category(s): Communications
More Efficient, Cost-Effective Semiconductor Devices
Demonstrate Superior Stability for High-Temperature, High-Power, and High-Frequency ApplicationsThese state-of-the-art, cost-effective semiconductor devices feature superior stability for high-temperature, high-power and high-frequency applications. Traditional metal-semiconductor (M-S) interfaces are the main components of MESFETs, HEMTs, OFETs and...
Published: 1/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Arthur Hebard, Sefaattin Tongay
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials