Protein Profiling for Premalignant Tissue

USF researchers have developed a novel and accurate method to identify both malignant and premalignant cancerous cells for early lung cancer detection. This method includes the coupling of surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) mass spectroscopy with LCM technology for sensitive results. This precise technique can determine even minor changes in cancer protein expression, thus allowing for early detection in individuals who do not present symptoms. This approach aims to increase cancer survival rates by improving patient prognosis. The invention may also be utilized as a method for identifying premalignant cell biomarkers for early cancer detection.  

  • Early cancer detection method
  • Recognizes overexpressed proteins and cancerous biomarkers
  • Detects premalignant and malignant cells
  • Sensitive results via SELDI mass spectroscopy and LCM technology

Adenocarcinoma Cells Identified Using the Protein Profiling Method 

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Protein Profiling for Premalignant Tissue Utility United States 10/249,385 8,198,019 4/3/2003 6/12/2012 6/3/2026