OSIRIS: An Information Management Application for Use in Drug Discovery and Development


A web-based information management application for data tracking and sharing during the discovery and development of new small molecule therapeutics.

Key Benefits

  • Can be used to register compounds and display information about chemical structures and calculations.
  • Easily customizable and has a ticket system to allow administrators to restrict and keep track of user access and updates that have been made to the database.
  • Accessible from any personal computer, tablet, or smartphone device.

Market Summary

Although there are many applications that can store large amounts of information on various chemical compounds, they are not able to perform other critical functions used in research such as data analysis, drawing of chemical structures, and project management. In addition, applications currently available are often limited to a specific operating system or type of hardware device. Thus, there is a need for an all-in-one application such as OSIRIS, which allows scientists to perform a number of critical functions as well as share information with other scientists in a secure and restricted manner.

Technical Summary

This web-based application, OSIRIS (Open Source Integrated Research Information System), is a data management system that allows researchers in drug discovery to share information about any chemical compound of interest as well as perform other functions such as drug compound registration and research project management. Because OSIRIS is accessible through a web browser, a variety of computing devices (e.g., smart phones, tablets, or personal computers) can be used to access the data. To maintain confidentiality and security of stored information, an administrator can easily customize online access to a specific project as well as track online activity of other users.

Developmental Stage

This application has been written and is currently in use at the Emory Institute of Drug Development (EIDD).

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Graphical User Interface For a Display Screen or a Portion Thereof Design United States 29/398,981 D685387 8/8/2011 7/2/2013 7/20/2027