Mechanisms and Devices Enabling Arbitrarily Shaped, Deep-Subwavelength, Acoustic Patterning

UC Case No. 2019-852



UCLA researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering have developed a Compliant Membrane Acoustic Patterning (CAMP) technology capable of patterning cells in an arbitrary pattern at a high resolution over a large area.



Acoustic force has been investigated as a noninvasive, label-free, and biocompatible tool to physically manipulate cells and other biological entities. To date, however, acoustic approaches to produce high resolution, arbitrarily shaped wells across a large area has not been achieved, limiting its applications and contributions to single cell manipulation.



UCLA researchers led by Dr. Pei-Yu Chiou has developed a device and method to create deep sub-wavelength resolution, arbitrarily shaped acoustic potential wells using widely available piezoelectric ceramic (PZTs) and Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) materials. The device has been successfully prototyped and has achieved a line resolution of 50 μm (1/10 of the wavelength) and patterning area of 3 × 3 mm2. The team has also demonstrated the ability to form a wide range of arbitrary shapes using both microparticles and cells. This technology can greatly improve the standard of single cell manipulation and can benefit the investigation and manufacture of various biomedical products such as engineered tissues and personalized therapeutics.



•       Manufacturing complex biologic products

•       Cell manipulation

•       Tissue engineering

•       Personalized therapeutics



•       High resolution (1/10 of the wavelength)

•       Large patterning area (3 × 3 mm2 demonstrated)

•       Customizable patterning shapes



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