A vertical trench MOSFET using a unique in-situ Mg-doped current blocking layer to enable high-voltage operation with enhanced efficiency and robustness in power electronic devices.
This technology addresses the need for high-voltage power devices suitable for grid and traction applications, overcoming the limitations of traditional silicon-based devices. Gallium oxide (Ga₂O₃), a wide-bandgap semiconductor, enables efficient, high-voltage operation with a reduced size and improved energy efficiency. The invention features a vertical trench MOSFET design with a unique in-situ Mg-doped current blocking layer, enabling robust performance for high-voltage applications.
Technology Overview:
This University at Buffalo and Ohio State University technology is a vertical trench MOSFET built on gallium oxide (Ga₂O₃) with a novel in-situ Mg-doped current blocking layer (CBL). This design overcomes challenges in vertical power device development, particularly the lack of shallow acceptors in Ga₂O₃. The technology enables higher voltage operation with increased efficiency, robustness, and thermal performance, making it suitable for high-power applications.
seksan94, https://stock.adobe.com/uk/199922865, stock.adobe.com
Intellectual Property Summary:
Provisional patent application 63/717,887 filed November 7, 2024.
Stage of Development:
Licensing Status:
Available for licensing or collaboration.
Additional Information: