NU 2021-253
PRIMARY INVENTOR Josiah Hester SHORT DESCRIPTION A smart face mask platform that collects and analyzes health-relevant metrics
BACKGROUND With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide have enforced mask mandates, requiring people to wear masks in enclosed public spaces. According to a report by Environmental Science and Technology, data show that 129 billion masks are currently used per month globally. While mask mandates will likely relax, face masks have, for many, become an everyday essential. However, there are ongoing problems associated with mask wearing, particularly for healthcare workers or those requiring long-term use. For example, since most masks only offers physical protection to the users, without any feedback to the user as to whether the mask is 100% sealed. they can be ill-fitting, leading to potential exposures to dangerous pathogens and viruses in clinical or research settings. Moreover, with the prevalence of COVID-19 and extended hours of use, many mask users may have become interested in monitoring their own respiratory rate and heart rate, since these health metrics could provide an early warning for disease symptoms. These needs have created a demand for such a device.
ABSTRACT Northwestern inventors have developed a platform that elevates a typical face mask to a smart level providing data and feedback for the user. This smart device offers the ability to track health metrics to protect healthcare professionals. The wireless sensor can be magnetically attached to any type of mask, including an N95 mask. Its battery lifetime is approximately 11 days, and can be extended by harvesting energy from head movements and breathing. and air flow inside the mask. Its key health metrics include heart, respiratory rate, and quality of mask seal from internal and external pressure sensing. The device records and transmits the data to a mobile phone app with a user-friendly interface. Compared to traditional face masks, this platform offers a design to improve the level of protection offered to both healthcare workers and the wider population who wears masks during daily activities. This technology may be desirable by companies, for example, those in chemical and manufacturing industries, that seek solutions to improve the experience and health safety of their employees who must wear masks on a daily basis or those who want or need to wear N95 masks for extended periods of time. This technology may also be desriable to individuals that need better protection in daily activities, such as those who are immunocompromised or those who travel for extended period on public transportations (airplane, bus, etc).
PUBLICATIONS Curtiss, A. et al. (2021) FaceBit: Smart Face Masks Platform. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 5: 1–44.
IP STATUS A provisional application has been filed.
FaceBit overview.