2019-050: Annotation tool and digital gateway

Annotation Tool And Digital Gateway

Tech ID: 30351 / UC Case 2019-050-0



Researchers led by Matthew Fisher have developed an online tool that allows instructors to upload documents and students to easily annotate this text and engage in threaded discussion.



The internet has been a transformative technology for many different industries and has tremendous potential in the field of education. Different websites and platforms allow teachers to upload syllabi, assignments, lectures, and reading material for students to see and download. However, these platforms lack a medium in which students can collaborate, discuss, and annotate reading materials and assignments. Development of these types of tools can foster discussion and group effort that may be harder to do in a live classroom setting where anxiety or shyness may be an issue.



Researchers led by Matthew Fisher from the English Department at UCLA have developed an online tool that allows instructors to upload documents and for students to easily annotate this text and engage in threaded discussion. This innovation comprises of two technologies: a digital gateway for instructors to upload class documents and an annotation gateway for students to make notes and comments. The annotation gateway allows students to highlight text and create notes or questions that other students can see. Furthermore, these annotations are threaded so that students can reply to particular annotations and facilitate collaboration and discussion. The primary text appears in the left pane while annotations and discussion appears on the right pane, an example of this can be seen in the figure provided.





Uploading documents

Annotating documents 

Facilitate discussion and collaboration

Group reading and collaboration online



Easy to use

Online platform

Flexible file types of documents

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