Video Summarization Algorithm


Executive Summary


Explosive growth in video content demands optimal methods of summarizing information for efficient data management and processing. Heterogeneity image patch indexing is method of rapidly summarizing video content by identifying key video frame images for differences in features.


Description of Technology


Identifying key information from videos makes categorizing and organization of information easy for consumers and companies to understand large quantities media content.  The technology developed at Michigan State allows for efficient method of aggregating video content and recognizing unique elements in an automated process.  This method can be used to summarize specific identifying characteristics of video content for rapid comparison to other forms of media.


Key Benefits

  • Faster video summary
  • Increased comprehension of video content
  • Automated process
  • Scales to large video libraries



  • Consumer video and user-generated content
  • Surveillance/crowd-sourced surveillance
  • Object-based fast forward
  • Duplicate video detection in a database
  • Military limited-bandwidth communication
  • Video search/video database management
  • Mobile video applications
  • Piracy detection


IP Status:  Software Copyright


Licensing Rights Available:  All rights available


Inventors: Chinh Dang, Hayder Radha


Tech ID: TEC2014-0007


Patent Information: