Summary: Iowa State University researchers have developed a sensor that allows for contact free monitoring of the stage of wound healing and wound moisture levels. This technology allows for the constant monitoring of wounds during the healing process so that redressing and moisturizing can be done as required for the best patient outcome.
Description: A dressed wound is difficult to monitor. Currently the best way is to unwrap examine and rewrap wounds. ISURF #04749 allows for contact free monitoring of the stage of wound healing and moisture levels. This allows for constant monitoring so that redressing and moisturizing can be done as needed. The sensor is placed on the wound, underneath the bandage, and as healing takes place, dielectric changes are measured by a portable monitor, allowing the tracking of wound healing. As at-home care becomes more prevalent, this technology is increasingly needed, as redressing of wounds can be a point of introduced infection. This also has application in veterinary applications, where patient compliance may make wound re-dressing difficult. These sensors utilize low-cost materials indicating their ease for production and scaling.
Advantage: • Low cost of production • Relative easy to manufacture and scale • Small and simple device, can be used under clothing • Able to be read and monitored remotely
Application: Healthcare - wound healing monitoring
Patent: Patent(s) applied for
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