Wireless and Batteryless Localization and Physiological Motion Detection System (Case No. 2023-046)


UCLA researchers in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department have developed a battery-free localization system equipped with wireless energy harvesting feature, allowing precise localization in gastrointestinal disease detection and treatment.


The evolution of wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) has emerged as a convenient and patient-friendly alternative for the treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases. Given the prevalence of GI tract diseases globally, addressing the challenges they present is paramount. In 2018 alone, there were 37.2 million visits to physician's offices in the USA for digestive system disorders. The significance of localization system cannot be overstated in advancing the treatment of not only GI tract diseases but also a spectrum of biomedical applications. However, traditional approaches relying on battery-powered systems have faced setbacks due to their bulky design for wearable or implantable applications. While some solutions incorporate magnetic localization platforms to achieve superior precision, these encounter hindrances from interference with external magnetic fields and lack practicality for point-of-care applications. Consequently, there is a growing imperative for inventive solutions that can overcome the aforementioned limitations and ensure precise outcomes in the next generation localizers.


Professor Aydin Babakhani and his team have invented an innovative localizer for various clinical applications. This groundbreaking development introduces a completely battery-free localization system to enable wireless powering. The innovation operates at an impressively low power consumption of just 6 µW, and boasts a compact form factor measuring 17 mm by 12 mm by 0.2 mm. Ex vivo verification using this invention inside the porcine intestine has confirmed its exceptional localization accuracy, with deviations under 1 cm. Furthermore, the system has been verified in vitro to identify the frequency of cyclical physiological movement, making it applicable for biomedical motion-detection purposes like monitoring respiration rate through diaphragm motion or capturing speech-related motion in the throat. Adding to its advantages, this system can be conveniently fabricated on a flexible substrate for the lower cost of implementation, opening doors to various potential implantable applications.

Potential Applications:

•    Localizer for wireless capsule endoscopy
•    Localizer for biomedical implantable sensors
•    Localizer for drug delivery applications
•    General wireless localization systems


•    Fully battery-less system
•    Wireless energy harvesting technique
•    Consumes minimal power (6 µW)
•    Small form factor
•    Verified localization accuracy (< 1 cm)
•    Low manufacturing cost

Development to Date:
Successfully demonstrated in animal models.

Related Papers:

A. Ray, I. Habibagahi and A. Babakhani, "A Fully Wireless and Batteryless Localization System with 50 Micrometre Motion Detection Capability and Adaptive Transmitter Power Control for Point-of-Care Biomedical Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2023.3289149.

Ray, Habibagahi and Babakhani, "Fully Wireless and Batteryless Localization and Physiological Motion Detection System for Point-of-care Biomedical Applications," 2022 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022, pp. 26-30, doi: 10.1109/BioCAS54905.2022.9948647

Social Media Publication:

Aydin Babakhani on LinkedIn: #medicaldevices #wireless #batteryless #localization #chips #sensors


UCLA Case No. 2023-046

Lead Inventor:

Aydin Babakhani

Patent Information: