Wireless Energy Harvesting and Storage





Energy storing and harvesting textiles are currently being developed at Drexel University. Antennas are tuned to harvest or scavenge energy at 2.4 GHz from the WiFi frequency band. The antenna is fully knitted from conductive yarns on industrial knitting machines. The antenna is connected to a small circuit that can collect the harvested signals for specific applications. This harvested energy can either be used to power other textile devices, or can be stored in a supercapacitor, which is embedded in the same piece of fabric. Custom fitted pockets can be made to house non-textile components, and conductive leads can be knitted as a part of the fabric to connect all system components.



TITLE: Applications


Power other wearable electronics

Power small portable electronics

Can be incorporated into interiors to store charge collected from other renewable sources

Flexible and stretchable electronic applications





Passive system, no need for the wearer to be moving to harvest energy

When no WiFi is available, devices can draw power from the energy storage device

Mass customization in terms of size, material, and device configuration 

Manufacturing processes are readily scalable



FIGURES: Insert Figure Image Inside Figure Tags within Editor

Figure 1



Figure 1 Caption:

Figure: Schematic for an antenna connected to a supercapacitor made as a single sheet of fabric.



Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Patent Pending- 14/906,915


United States Patent Pending- 14/643,715







Pubinfo should be the citation for your publication. Publink is the full url linking to the publication online or a pdf.

S. Herbert, D. Patron, T. Kurzweg, A. Fontecchio, K. R. Dandekar and G. Dion: “The Creation of Deformation Sensor Using “Smart” Fabrics: Applications to In Vivo Monitoring of Pregnant Women”, Smart Fabrics & Wearable Technology, San Francisco, CA, 2013.


D. Patron, T. Kurzweg, A. Fontecchio, G. Dion and K. R. Dandekar: “Wireless Strain Sensor through a Flexible Tag Antenna Employing Inductively-Coupled RFID Microchip”, IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, Orlando FL, 2014.


K. Jost, G. Dion, Y. Gogotsi, “Textile Energy Storage in Perspective,” Review Article in Issue on Flexible Energy Storage and Conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Feb. 2014, Accepted



K. Jost, D. Stenger, C.R. Perez, J.K. McDonough, K. Lian, Y. Gogotsi, G. Dion, “Knitted and screen printed carbon fiber textile-supercapacitors for applications in wearable electronics,” Energy and Environmental Science, Vol. 6 (2013) 2698 – 2705



K. Jost, C.R. Perez, J.K. McDonough, V. Presser, M. Heon, G. Dion, Y. Gogotsi, “Carbon Coated Textiles for Flexible Energy Storage in Smart Garments.” Energy and Environmental Science. 2011, 4, 5060-5067





Commercialization Opportunities




Contact Information     


Web Site






For Technical Information:


Kapil R. Dandekar, Ph.D.

Director, Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory

Professor,  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Associate Dean For Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering

3141 Chestnut St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

Phone: 1-215-895-6446

Email: dandekar@coe.drexel.edu



For Intellectual Property and Licensing Information:

Elizabeth Poppert, Ph.D., Licensing Manager

Applied Innovation

Email: lizpoppert@drexel.edu







Patent Information: