White Light Sagnac Interferometer

This invention is a novel polarization imaging device that is simple, robust, and features a small form factor. As the device compensates for chromaticity, it collects polarization information across a broad optical spectrum. This device produces a distribution map of the Stokes parameters, completely characterizing distribution of polarization states across the scene. Information about the entire scene is captured at once, yielding fast, snapshot operation. All of this is accomplished in a compact package without any moving parts, requiring no extra power for its operation.


Collecting polarization data about an object can provide valuable information about it, such as distribution of internal stresses or whether the object is natural or man-made. As such polarization imaging devices are finding a broader range of applications, they are increasingly deployed outside of controlled environments, where the factors such as compactness and mechanical ruggedness become increasingly important. Therefore, there is a need to develop polarization imaging devices that are simple, robust, and feature a small form factor.


  • Intrinsic chromatic compensation allows for analyzing a broad optical spectrum
  • Lack of moving parts greatly reduces sensitivity to vibration and mechanical stress
  • Snapshot operation captures information about the entire scene at once


  • Industrial process monitoring
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Defense and security

Status: issued U.S. patent #9,068,928

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