Virtual Reality Simulation for Airway Management

This invention is a dual haptic-virtual reality task training system for medical students and/or professionals learning tracheal tube intubation. This technology combines the current training method and a mannequin with VR/AR and a haptic feedback and force measuring system. By creating a medical training system with a more life-like simulation, users can experience the inherent difficulties encountered in performing intubation and use the visual, tactile, and force feedback systems to improve their technique.

An endotracheal tube is placed when a patient is unable to breath on their own. It is also necessary to use when the patient needs to be sedated and “rest” or protect the airway. These tubes are used on patients in a wide variety of environments. Also, the trachea varies in condition from patient to patient. Placement of the tracheal tube comes with complications, vomiting of patient, swelling of airway, and other conditions in which the doctor loses visibility of the trachea and causes impairment with placement of the tube. Due to these issues, there are short-term complications that may arise. These include bleeding, improper placement of the endotracheal tube, infection, injury to mouth/throat, or aspirations of contents of the mouth/stomach during tube placement.

Currently, to train medical students, or any profession that would use the endotracheal tube, mannequins are used. The issue with mannequins is the inability to simulate high risk/stress situations that medical professionals may incur. This invention provides a solution by combining a mannequin with a dual haptic-VR system that tells the user when too much force is being used on the patient and when harm may result.


  • Medical (intubation) training
  • Training with VR-enhanced feedback


  • Enhanced medical training
  • New and scalable technology

Status: issued U.S. patent #11,727,828

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