Variable Screens

Competitive Advantages

  • Maintains visual privacy
  • Blocks direct light
  • Permits passage of diffused light
  • Adjustable


Our inventors have developed a periodic compliant mechanism for solar shading. The technology is a perforated panel that creates controlled, and diffused lighting conditions for interior and exterior spaces, while possessing an intensely saturated material quality. This novel technology is comprised of flat, bi-material sheets that are carefully attached at elongated tabs, but arranged to slide past one another just slightly when mechanically put into motion. As a result, this device allows light to pass through the panel at the same time, maintaining visual privacy and blocking direct light.  This technology is directly applicable to the architectural industries.  


Micro-Loop Concept Rendering Showing Panel in Partly-Open Conformation 

Desired Partnership

  • License
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Variable Screens Utility United States 14/523,067 9,650,828 10/24/2014 5/16/2017 1/1/2035