This overexpression of the micro RNA (miR319) gene improves salt and drought tolerance in transgenic plants, enhancing crop performance under adverse environmental conditions. Plant micro RNAs are a class of endogenous small noncoding RNAs that play essential roles in diverse biological processes, including plant responses to environmental stresses and various aspects of plant development. By harnessing the potential of these RNA, it’s possible to improve the quality and safety of agricultural products impacted by abiotic stress such as drought and salinity. Clemson University researchers have cloned the rice miR319 gene and evaluated the feasibility of using this gene in turfgrass for improved plant response to abiotic stress. By manipulating mircoRNA 319 gene expression for enhanced abiotic stress resistance, there is great potential for enhancing crop performance under adverse conditions.
Application Stage of Development
Agriculture production; biotechnology Ready for field testing
• Demonstrates increased tolerance to drought and salt stress, enhancing crop performance under adverse
environmental conditions
• Utilizes an efficient method to produce plants that are capable of withstanding adverse environments, improving
crop productivity with high efficiency
Technical Summary
Data demonstrates that transgenic plants overexpressing miR319 exhibit improved tolerance to drought and salt stress. In studies, transgenic plants overexpressing miR319 exhibited better water retention and cell membrane integrity than controls under salt stress. Additionally, transgenic plants accumulate less sodium than controls under salinity conditions. Overexpression of mi319 improves drought tolerance in transgenic plants that is associated with enhanced water retention and cell integrity and well-maintained photosynthesis.
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Inventors: Hong Luo, Qian Hu, Man Zhou, Dayong Li
Patent Type: Provisional; Utility
Serial No: 61/556,852; 13/672,320
CURF Ref: 2011-026