Ultrasound method for transforming algae

Transformation of microalgae is a first step in their use for biotechnological applications involving foreign protein production or molecular modifications of specific cell metabolic pathways. However, problems associated with efficiency, integration, or stability of the transgenes sometimes persist. Limitations in the use of conventional methods may be overcome by using a technology that doesn’t hamper the permeability or do cellular damage, thus increasing efficiency of the transformation process. This invention relates to a method for the efficient transformation of algae with a reporter construct and ultrasound apparatus using Ultrasound Targeted Microbubble Destruction (UTMD). The primary effect from UTMD is mediated by microbubble cavitation that results in mechanical induction of transient pores up to 100nm in size. Microbubbles (acoustically active carriers) in conjunction with ultrasound provide highly effective site-directed gene therapy and delivery of other genetic materials.



Delivery of plasmid DNA encoding reporter constructs or products of commercial value directly to algae.



This method does not rely on the use of agrobacterium or other virus mediated delivery systems.



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