Transplantable Murine Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines

This innovation involves the creation of novel cell lines for studying cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) in mice. These cell lines, derived from UV-induced cSCC tumors in BALB/c mice, recapitulate the mutational signature and driver mutations found in human cSCC. Developing the cell lines from an inbred mouse strain allows for studies involving antigen-specific T cell responses, as the major histocompatibility complex alleles are the same between mice. Additionally, the ability to intradermally transplant the cSCC tumors into mice drastically reduces the length of time needed for experimentation, as UV induction of cSCC takes months. This innovation provides researchers with invaluable tools for studying cSCC and exploring potential treatments and drug development.

There is a lack of clinically relevant UV-induced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) murine models that can be used to study antigen-specific T cell responses. Other cSCC mouse models require long periods of time to create, cannot be used to evaluate certain T cell responses, and/or may not recapitulate the mutational signature and burden of human disease. This mouse model stands out as it is induced by the same etiologic factor as human disease, shares driver mutations with human disease, has a high mutational burden, allows for neoantigen evaluation, and reliably forms tumors in vivo compared to other mouse models.


  • Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) research
  • Cancer biology studies
  • Biomedical research
  • Drug development
  • Neoantigen prioritization


  • Reliable and reproducible mouse model for studying cSCC
  • Mimics human cSCC in terms of mutational signature and driver mutations
  • Streamlines experimental procedures, saving time and resources
  • Allows for more accurate and efficient research in the field of cSCC
  • Offers new opportunities for drug development and personalized medicine strategies
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