Technology-Enhanced Communication Intervention (TECI)


  • Every aspect of this software, even the illustrations, is designed after rigorous research and recommendations from nurses and hospitals.
  • Numerous communication modes, handwritten, typing, symbolic to express the patient’s needs and requirements.
  • Does not require specific hardware to operate, it is a web-based version compatible with most platforms available.

Business Summary:

Numerous times due to operating conditions in hospitals or due to uncertain accidents, patients lose their speech and the ability to communicate effectively. Researchers at the University of South Florida looked at this problem and provided a solution known as TECI. TECI is an improvised web-based platform that can be used by patients without the need to meet specific hardware requirements. To meet compliance needs it is hosted on a HIPAA-compliant server to ensure secure data transfers. This software has three key patient-friendly features made accessible by keeping their interest in mind. These features include

  • Direct selection of pre-recorded messages with specially designed illustrations representing the needs or the requirements of the speechless patients, This illustrations were designed after rigorous research and studies to understand the needs of patients even of different ethnic groups. Also, the caretakers can access the level of pain, response to pain medication, emotions, and respiratory distress experienced by a patient with the help of these pre-recorded messages.
  • Communication using handwritten on-screen notes using a stylus or finger and can be converted into speech.
  • Typewriting using an on-screen keyboard on which participants can type and communicate.

GUI/ illustrations designed to understand the needs of the speechless patients.

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information: