Techniques for the Rejection of Daylight to Enhance Daytime Satellite Detection

Researchers at the University of Arizona have developed a new technique that helps reject scattered daylight from the sky to enhance visibility of satellites and space debris during daylight hours. This technology can improve satellite detection and sensitivity in high background environments. The daytime tracking can be used to monitor and maintain custody of high interest objects during the daytime.

The difficulty of detecting satellites during the daytime is well documented due to the brightness and color of the sky, as well as high variability. Previous techniques looked to track satellites during the daytime while utilizing spectral differences between satellites and the sky. The technology presented here seeks to maintain variability and provide higher reliability when tracking high interest objects during the day.


  • Detection and monitoring of satellites and space debris during daylight
  • Daylight space-to-ground laser communications
  • Moonlight suppression
  • Urban astronomy


  • Provides an alternative method for tracking objects during daylight hours
  • Increases capability and reliability
  • Reduces sky noise

Status: issued U.S. patent #10,976,478

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