Systems and Methods for Generating Symmetric Cryptographic Keys

Competitive Advantages

  •     Confidentiality
  •     Secure communication
  •     Time– and location-limited cryptographic keys
  •     Compatibility with NIST and PCI requirements


USF inventors created a system to establish confidential communication channels by generating time and location-limited symmetric-cryptographic keys. This system transmits confidential information only in cipher-texts, therefore ensuring the data is secure. It never stores secret keys except temporarily in volatile memory between the generation of a key and encryption/decryption, providing additional security. This novel system also has verified authenticity and integrity because receivers can always verify message sources and detect modifications of cipher-texts. This invention has great potential to secure information transmitted between multiple devices and is applicable to a wide range of industries, especially cybersecurity and hardware security modules. 

Schematic for Generating Symmetric Keys. Secret Keys (KAB) Depend on Given Static Seed (SAB) and Dynamic Seed (D) 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Systems and Methods for Generating Symmetric Cryptographic Keys Utility United States 16/030,550 10,291,403 7/9/2018 5/14/2019 7/9/2038