Systems And Methods For Gaming Using Historical Data


Invention Summary


Gaming machine that uses historic data to serve as benchmarks which must be met or exceeded by the player. The players selects entities up to a predetermined minimum/maximum that are presented to them in the form of Sports teams, Athletes, Stocks, or what is most corresponding to the theme of the game. The player also selects a performance period such as a time, date, game, season, etc. A simulation of possible outcomes based on recorded historical data is conducted by the gaming machine for each entity selected. The benchmarks exceeded by the entities selected will be compared to the predetermined paytables which will calculate the overall reward for the player.


Market Opportunity


According to IBISWorld, revenue in the Casino Industry is expected to grow up to $315.9 Billion dollars by 2023 at an annualized rate of 3.6%. The usage of historical data within the game allow of a more realistic output and experience for the player. Their respective selected entities and the potential reward received are based on benchmarks which are composed of actual events, statistics and entity potential.

Features and Benefits


•       In comparison to traditional slot/gaming machines, this invention incorporates a Chance-based and skill-based input allowing the player to maximize their experience.

•       Chance-based input is incorporated by the pool of entities that is presented before the player.

•       Skill-based input is incorporated by the selection of entities made by the player.

•       Historical data used within the gaming machine can change overtime, therefore updates can be made to ensure that the historical data is up to date corresponding to the performance period applicable by the gaming machine.



Intellectual Property


U.S. Provisional Patent Application: 62/442,115


Patent Information: