System and Method for Adaptive OFDM Guard Bands

Competitive Advantages

  • Enhanced flexibility
  • Optimization of available spectral resources
  • Cross-layer optimized design


USF inventors have created adaptive guards for OFDM systems which support a variety of services operating asynchronously under the same network. The guards in both time and frequency domains are optimized with respect to the use case and power offset between the users. To fully exploit and further increase the potential of adaptive guards, an interference-based scheduling algorithm is proposed as well. The results show that the precise design that facilitates such flexibility reduces the guards significantly and boosts the spectral efficiency. This has great potential to improve the next generation of communication. 

Interference-Based Scheduling of Eight Users with Different Requirements 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
System and Method for Adaptive OFDM Guards Utility United States 16/024,051 10,411,819 6/29/2018 9/10/2019 6/29/2038