Surgical Mesh Permanent Implant (Case No. 2023-109)


UCLA Researchers in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry have developed a bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) that exhibits promising biocompatibility and mechanical properties that can be used as a long-term treatment for medical conditions requiring surgical mesh devices.


Surgical mesh devices are medical devices used to provide additional support to weakened tissue or organs, commonly in the abdominal wall or pelvic floor. They are commonly required after debulking surgeries and other clinical challenges involving volumetric muscle loss, tissue laxity, or organ prolapse. In some cases, soft tissue laxity in the abdominal wall results in symptomatic hernias that often require permanent mesh implantation for defect repair. Currently, surgical meshes are either costly, requiring donor tissue, or not patient-derived, increasing rejection risk and overall healthcare costs. Additionally, many newer generation biological surgical meshes derived from donor tissue are susceptible to enzymatic degradation, posing long-term durability concerns. Similarly, commonly used microporous polypropylene meshes are prone to shrinkage and bowel adhesion post-implantation due to the large mesh pore size. Additionally, polypropylene meshes have a notable history of litigious challenges and poor surgical outcomes. There remains an unmet need for surgical meshes that are both bioderived (i.e., donor/patient derived) while also maintaining durability and longevity of polypropylene.


Prof. Weiss and co-workers have developed a bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) material for applications as a surgical mesh. BNC is an emerging biomaterial with favorable physical and biocompatible properties that is suitable for cell culture and tissue engineering applications. The BNC surface can be differentially patterned, which has shown promise in reducing morbidities associated with device implantation. Additionally, BNC post-processing can tune the mesh pore size and mechanical properties, which can help with implantation and device durability. These BNC mesh devices exhibit robust resistance to degradation in-vivo, demonstrating their ability to serve as semi-permanent or permanent implant devices. The inventors' results suggest that this BNC may be used to assist in tension-free surgical fixation and encourage physiological tissue development and mesh integration. This novel biocompatible material has wide-spanning applications, including repair from hernia and ischemia, volumetric muscle loss, fistula, and myocardial and soft tissue defects. 

Potential Applications:

•    Long-term surgical mesh alternative
•    Organ prolapse repair
•    Hernia treatment
•    Personalized repair & regeneration


•    Bioderived and biocompatible 
•    Tunable surface patterning
•    Tunable mechanical properties 
•    Long-term durability 
•    Cost-effective

Development to Date:

Device/material fabricated and in-vivo studies performed


Human Skeletal Muscle Myoblast Culture in Aligned Bacterial Nanocellulose and Commercial Matrices ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesVol 16/Issue 36. Aug. 29, 2024


UCLA Case No. 2023-108

Lead Inventor:  

Paul Weiss

Patent Information: