This Michelson interferometer serves as a low-cost, high-quality wavelength calibration standard for spectrometers, tunable lasers, or other spectral instruments and a stable wavelength reference for laser wavelength stabilization or characterization. Current systems are attractive because of their simplicity and minimal expense, but utilizing a stable Michelson interferometer as a calibration source produces an unparalleled advantage in wavelength and special multiplexing. Thanks to the technical breakthroughs in design and fabrication, monolithic Michelson interferometers are more stable overall and the cost of manufacturing reduced. Researchers at the University of Florida have developed this system that demonstrates significant advantages in precision, ease in utility, compatibility, multiplexing capacity, stability and bandwidth.
Michelson interferometer used as a wavelength calibration reference for spectrometers, tunable lasers or other spectral instruments and as a stable wavelength reference for laser wavelength stabilization or characterization
This system encompasses two new breakthroughs for using a stable Michelson interferometer in wavelength calibration; as a reference for spectrometers, tunable lasers or other spectral instruments and as a stable wavelength reference for laser wavelength stabilization or characterization. A stable Michelson interferometer can reach the optimal sensitivity needed for calibration. Because of the simple sinusoid frequency response of a Michelson interferometer, the phase interpretation is convenient and the accuracy is often determined by the sensitivity limit. Available systems operate at too high or too low of a sensitivity level to be effective. Using the Michelson interferometer is more compatible to various spectral instruments in high precision calibration. Using updated interferometer design and fabrication, the Michelson interferometer becomes competitive in cost as well. This stable, monolithic Michelson interferometer is ultimately more attractive and has numerous applications.