Sporozoite Cryopreservation Compositions and Methods

Competitive Advantages

  • Retains significantly high viablility
  • Effective for plasmodium research
  • Application in whole-parasite vaccine
  • Key role in liver stage research


We have developed a novel method to allow the harvested sporozoites to be cryopreserved and thawed effectively. This method will allow the sporozoites to retain a significantly high viability and infectivity at 70% or greater, which is a substantial improvement when compared to the current standard. Retaining such a high viability and sporozoite functionality overcomes the limitations presented previously in Plasmodium sporozoite and liver stage research. Sporozoites and other parasitic cells prepared aseptically in this manner are suitable for clinical use as a whole-parasite vaccine and pre-clinical discovery research studies.


Method 1– Current Method Retains Low Viability and Total LS Parasites                         

Method 2– New Method Retains High Viability and Total LS Parasites

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Sporozoite Cryopreservation Compositions and Methods Utility United States 16/376,975 11,332,711 4/5/2019 5/17/2022 6/16/2040