Spectral Illumination Device Using Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Arrays


Reflectance and Fluorescence imaging are used in numerous medical and research applications, specifically endoscopic cancer screening. White light endoscopy (WLE) is the standard approach for colon cancer screening. However, traditional WLE relies on native tissue contrast (reflectance), and lacks specificity. Autofluorescence imaging (AFI) and narrow band imaging (NBI) have, in some cases, shown increased sensitivity and specificity. Traditional fluorescence illuminators have relied on metal halide arc lamp bulbs such as Xenon or Mercury bulbs, as light sources. The broad wavelength spectrum produced by these lamps must be combined with specific color or band pass filters to allow for the selection of different illumination wavelengths. The wavelength selection or band pass filters are costly, highly energy inefficient, sluggish, and the lamps are limited by the lifetime of the bulb. The use of LEDs as light sources overcomes numerous limitations of metal halide arc lamps. The lifetime of an LED is much greater than that of metal halide arc lamps, the power output varies negligibly over the life of the LED, the bandwidth of the spectral output of an LED is typically narrow, and the intensity of the output light from an LED can be quickly and accurately controlled.



Researchers at the University of South Alabama have developed a method and device that is capable of combining the light output from multiple, narrow band light sources including the ultraviolet, visual and infrared spectral ranges.  This device utilizes a novel light guide, which may be solid, fiber optic, liquid or similar product to co-align the output from multiple different narrow band light sources.  This device is highly applicable to microscopy, fluorescence imaging, endoscopy and other biomedical imaging approaches.



•       Overcomes light intensity lost as path-length increases

•       Removes the need for dichroic mirrors

•       Provides much higher power output

•       Able to switch rapidly between wavelengths

•       Can be used for illumination in fluorescence and reflectance



AU 2013299770

Patent Application Filed in US, Canada, EPO, and Japan


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