Sparstolonin B in Neuroblastoma Treatment

Reference #:  01056

The University of South Carolina is offering licensing opportunities for this novel treatment of neuroblastoma.

Invention Description:

This invention is derived from a novel, naturally occurring compound, Sparstolonin B (SsnB), which is isolated from the tubers of an aquatic Chinese herb, Sparganium stoloniferum. The crude extract prepared form this herb has anti-spasmodic and anti-tumor properties.

Advantages and Benefits:

•    Significantly inhibits the growth of both MYCN-amplified and MYCN-non-amplified neuroblastoma cells.

•    Increased production of reactive oxygen species.

Application: SsnB is a promising drug candidate for the treatment of neuroblastoma.


Neuroblastoma is one of the most common solid tumors and accounts for about 15% of all the cancer related deaths in the children. Despite the standard therapy for advanced disease including chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, the mortality rate remains high for these patients.

Neuroblastoma is composed of heterogeneous population of cells. N-myc amplification in neuroblastoma cells leads to the drug resistance and poor survival probability. Hence, novel therapeutic compounds are desperately needed which can act on both N-myc amplified and N-myc nonamplified cells for the treatment of neuroblastoma.


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
SPARSTOLONIN B BASED PHARMACEUTICAL AGENT FOR NEUROBLASTOMA TREATMENT Utility United States 14/483,445 9,446,019 9/11/2014 9/20/2016