Scattering Based Light Sheet Microscope

This invention relates to designs of a low-cost scattering-based light sheet microscope that provides microscopic images of human tissue in vivo. The key idea is to use an incoherent line light source with a rectangular aperture to generate light sheet illumination and detect the scattered light from the illuminated tissue plane to generate images. The use of line illumination and rectangular aperture provides a small illumination light sheet width over a large field of view, while reducing the speckle noise and shadow artifacts.

This innovative approach towards the design of this microscope promises enhanced clarity and precision in imaging. Given its affordability, this invention is poised to revolutionize diagnostic procedures in various medical settings, especially in regions with limited access to advanced medical equipment.

Light sheet microscopy (LSM) is a relatively new microscopy technology used in basic life science research. LSM uses separate optical paths for illumination and detection, where the illumination optics determine the axial resolution, and the detection optics determine the lateral resolution. This invention can be used to develop low-cost, small form-factor light sheet microscopy devices for diagnosing diseases of human internal organs in vivo and freshly excised specimens ex vivo, including anus, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colon. The microscope device can be used in a wide range of clinical settings (including primary-care clinics, surgical suites, and under-resourced remote hospitals without pathology services), as well as for training and educational purposes.

Furthermore, the advancements in LSM technology, combined with the unique features of this invention, present a transformative opportunity. The potential to deliver high-resolution imaging at a fraction of the cost of current technologies can significantly improve early disease detection and provide essential insights into cellular dynamics and structures.


  • Microscopy
  • Tomography
  • Microbiology
  • Life science research


  • Reduction of speckle noise
  • Reduction of shadow artifacts
  • Use in a wide range of clinical settings
  • Cost effective
  • Supports early disease detection for improved health outcomes
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