Salivary Biomarkers Associated with Glycemic Control and Oral Health

­Competitive Advantages

  • Obtained from saliva
  • Could be developed as a method to evaluate glucose control
  • Potential to be a diagnostic for oral health


USF inventors have demonstrated a relationship between inflammation, glucose marker HbA1c, and gum health when the saliva of patients with type I Diabetes was analyzed. There is an increase in the presence of molecules of inflammation in the saliva which is significantly associated with the impaired ability to control glucose levels and oral health. The association made could potentially be utilized to develop novel screening methods to evaluate glucose control and onset of type I Diabetes. This could reduce the amount of blood testing that patients currently undergo and make visits to the dentist an important part of routine systemic care. The applications from these findings are of great potential to patients and healthcare providers.

The Association Made from this Study Supports the Potential Utility of Salivary Diagnostics

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Salivary Inflammatory Biomarkers Associated with Glycemic Control and Oral Health Utility WIPO PCT/US15/26920   4/21/2015    
Salivary Inflammatory Biomarkers Associated with Glycemic Control and Oral Health Utility United States 14/692,548 9,753,041 4/21/2015 9/5/2017 4/21/2035