Reworkable UV Curable Thermosets based on 7-Glycidyloxycoumarin

This invention describes a reversible thermoset that is cured by a particular set of ultraviolet waves and degraded by a different set of ultraviolet waves. The resin's ability to be re-used makes it a dynamic choice for adhesive and structural needs.


Epoxy, a thermosetting resin, is an adhesive compound that is hardened by a variety of methods, the most common of which is heat. These thermosets are positioned and then "cured," or hardened into place, creating sturdy and durable adhesion. Unfortunately the permanency of these resins leaves little room for error. As an alternative to current thermosets, researchers at the University of Arizona have developed thermosets that create strong, easily reversible adhesions.



  • Adhesives
  • Structural materials
  • Coatings


  • Allows for adhesions to be removed and changed relatively easily in a non-acidic environment
  • Allows for strong, non-permanent adhesions
  • Supports the use of many different curing agents
  • Can be combined with various fibers for increased strength
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