Resorbable Ceramics with Controlled Strength Loss Rates


The WSU researchers have developed calcium phosphate-based resorbable ceramics with select dopants, optimized for in vitro degradation and cell-materials interactions as a function of time. This technology is an advanced resorbable biomaterial that allows for quicker restoration of functionally loaded natural bone. This synthetic calcium phosphates demonstrates properties similar to natural bone, but they lack the mineral content inherent to bone.


This novel ceramic based calcium phosphates with different dopants allows for a number of applications but the most prominent is in conjunction with hard tissue or bone. Calcium phosphate-based ceramics are predominantly used in hard tissue engineering due to their biocompatibility. By, changing the calcium to phosphorus ration in the calcium phosphate ceramics, it can affect the rate of resorption once placed in the body. More over the rate of resorption and regrowth can be matched with the regrowth rate of natural bone.

Applications and Advantages

•       Improved cell materials interactions: Early stage cell adhesion and proliferation is significantly enhanced.

•       Controlled strength degradation: The addition of particular dopants to resorbable calcium phosphates enables the material to degrade at a controlled rate which closely matches the re-growth rate of the natural bone.

•       Broad applications: bone grafts and fusions, surgical plates and screws, dental implants, and coatings


IP Status

Issued Patent 9,028,871


Patent Information: