Reconfigurable Space Telescope for Long Duration Observations

This invention is a reconfigurable space telescope with the capabilities of a Schmidt Cassegrain telescope. The invention has deployable structures and mechanisms for optical reconfiguration and is able to switch the focal length of its primary optics, allowing for both wide field surveying and targeted observations for near earth observations and space situational awareness. Application can also be extended to Earth observations for scientific or commercial purposes. The telescope can be packaged within standard CubeSat units, allowing for significant reduction in cost and complexity. Ultimately this modular telescope system will help to bring more aperture and modularity to the CubeSat class, enabling more affordable space telescopes, diversifying observations, and opening access to a wider scientific community.

Space missions with the focus on observations and surveillance of near-earth objects have been increasing. However, current designs of space observation systems are costly to produce and launch as well as being reliant on non-standardized space bus designs. This new telescope design solves these challenges with deployable and reconfigurable optical system, representing a breakthrough in the capabilities and significant step towards more inexpensive, effective space-based observatories.


  • Near-earth object detection
  • Astronomical surveillance
  • Earth observation
  • Situational space awareness 


  • Less expensive
  • Reduced complexity
  • More aperture and modularity
  • Higher object-capture sensitivity
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