Real Analysis Math Education App

Inventors at the University of Arizona have developed an application that delivers lessons on mathematical concepts to students enrolled in a real analysis mathematics course. The application includes lesson overviews, graphs that can be manipulated by users, and true/false questions to reinforce learning experiences. The app can be updated and refined to incorporate the feedback of the students.



With the use of smartphones becoming ubiquitous, there is a need to leverage these devices as a platform to provide learning experiences for students. In addition, over 6.7 million students were enrolled in post-secondary online courses in 2014. Designed as a companion to Real Analysis of One Variable (MATH 425A/525A), a course offered at the University of Arizona, this app works as an aid in teaching upper division math courses.



  • E-learning
  • Textbook companion app



  • Students enrolling in online learning can use the app to learn at their own pace and on their own time
  • Potential to limit the number of students who require specialized instruction from a teacher
  • Improves students' learning experiences
  • Allows students to easily access course materials at any place or time
  • Capable of running on Apple devices running iOS, Android devices, and computers running Microsoft Windows or OSX
  • Easy to updateable and expandable
  • New lessons can be designed and pushed out to students quickly via automatic updates
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