This non-invasive electronic device is worn on the body while monitoring vagus nerve activity in order to observe and obtain data about breathing patterns. The software filters and conditions the raw data by using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The software proceeds to apply an error-reducing algorithm which finds the best fit for the conditioned data and transmits the final data set to a separate Bluetooth device for further analysis. This method converts the noisy, raw signal into a smooth, sinusoidal waveform in addition to adjusting for error such that the data accurately represents the time between breaths. The product can be used by health care practitioners, at-home users, athletes, and others generally interested in obtaining non-invasive information about their respiratory system.
Background: The American Psychological Association reports in its Stress in America™ survey that Americans consistently experience a level of stress that they believe is unhealthy. It is reported that six in ten Americans have attempted to reduce their stress level over the years 2007-2012. Wearable biosensors that provide consumers with their own health information are relatively new devices in this industry. The rapid increase of smart phone usage continues to drive growth in the market, innovating new ways that these devices can be used today.
Status: issued U.S. patent #11,766,182
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