Executive Summary
Conventional techniques for biochar activation are characterized by notable disadvantages, including limited yield, excessive temperature requirements, and lengthy treatment intervals. Using their expertise in plasma-based materials processing, MSU researchers have proposed a concept for substantially enhancing the efficiency of biochar activation. By integrating plasma processing within a falling-bed reactor architecture, the proposed innovation promises a highly customizable, conveyor-free solution for continuous materials processing.
Description of Technology
Produced through the pyrolysis of biomass, biochar is utilized in a variety of emerging green applications, including soil, air, and water remediation. Its efficacy is further enhanced through activation, which optimizes its surface morphology for specific adsorption applications. Plasma-based processing solutions have previously been demonstrated to successfully activate biochar, resulting in increased surface porosity. The proposed invention offers a novel approach for improving the reliability and throughput of activation by integrating the plasma treatment within a falling-bed reactor. Processing efficiency is further optimized through utilization of a magnet assembly targeted to increase plasma density.
Key Benefits
Patent Status:
Patent Pending
Licensing Rights Available:
Full licensing rights
Inventors: Dr. Qi Hua Fan, Martin Toomajian, Dr. Thomas Schuelke
Tech ID: TEC2018-0064